Title: Kol-Horn LONG Joint Gel-Ointment: Pain Relief & Mobility for Sprains & Bruises (50ml)
Kol-Horn LONG Joint Gel-Ointment provides fast-acting relief from joint pain and improves mobility after sprains, bruises, and other sports injuries. This powerful formula combines a collagen-peptide complex (CPC), deer fat, flaxseed oil, and turpentine for enhanced nutritional support to your joints, connective tissues, and spine. It promotes natural cartilage regeneration, helps reduce inflammation, and inhibits further disease progression. Easily absorbed, leaving no greasy residue, Kol-Horn LONG is ideal for massage and daily application. Apply 2-3 times daily to affected areas with gentle massage until fully absorbed. A local chondroprotector, recommended for use with massage. 50ml.