Title: Baby Fever Stickers: 5 Disposable Forehead Thermometers for Infants & Toddlers
Description: Make checking your baby’s temperature easy and fun! These innovative disposable forehead thermometers come in a pack of five, each featuring adorable cartoon characters like dinosaurs, frogs, and foxes. Simply peel off the backing, apply the sticker to your child’s forehead or chest, and get a reading in just 10 seconds. The display shows a clear “N” for normal temperature, or a range (e.g., 37-38°C) if the temperature fluctuates. These hypoallergenic, mercury-free stickers are gentle on delicate skin, leaving no residue. Perfect for home, travel, daycare, or school, these compact thermometers offer peace of mind for parents on the go. Give your little one a fun and stress-free temperature check experience – order your pack today!