Title: Filorosso Terapia Beige 140 Den Compression Stockings – Class 2
Description: Filorosso Terapia 140 den compression stockings provide 23-32 mmHg compression (Class 2), offering therapeutic support for various venous conditions. Recommended for varicose veins, leg swelling, minor vascular issues, and preventing superficial thrombophlebitis and deep vein thrombosis. Ideal for post-phlebosclerotherapy compression therapy. These anti-varicose stockings improve circulation, reduce leg swelling, and feature graduated compression for optimal venous return. The gradual pressure reduction from ankle to thigh promotes fluid drainage, protects venous walls, and enhances blood flow. For best results, put them on in the morning on rested legs. Avoid pulling from the waistband; instead, gently smooth them onto your legs. Use water or latex gloves if needed for easier application. One size (please check size chart for details).