Title: Post-Surgical Abdominal Support Bandage (25cm) – Ecoten PO-25P/2 XXL
Enhanced Description
The Ecoten PO-25P/2 XXL post-surgical abdominal support bandage provides comfortable and effective support following abdominal surgery. Measuring 25cm in height, this high-quality bandage features a double compression panel for superior support and gentle compression. Its breathable, cotton-rich fabric is resistant to tearing and ensures all-day comfort. Strategically placed stoma openings accommodate various needs, while integrated anti-twist plastic inserts maintain the bandage’s position and prevent rolling. A soft cotton panel protects the surgical site. The bandage’s design ensures a comfortable, discreet fit under clothing. Beige in color.
- Recovery from all types of abdominal surgery
- Post-Cesarean section recovery
- Prevention of post-operative hernias
- Support for existing hernias of the linea alba (white line of the abdomen)
- Post-liposuction support (abdomen, back, and other areas)
- Weakness of the anterior abdominal wall
- Use with a stoma
- No absolute contraindications have been identified.
- Relative contraindications requiring medical consultation: portal hypertension, contact dermatitis, trophic ulcers or pressure sores in the application area, and allergic reactions to the materials.
Post-surgical abdominal bandage, abdominal support belt, post-operative recovery, cesarean section recovery, hernia belt, hernia support, liposuction recovery, stoma support, abdominal binder, Ecoten PO-25P/2, size XXL, 25cm bandage, breathable bandage, compression bandage, medical bandage.