Title: Cetramaks Vitauct 250ml (Icelandic Moss, Cetraria, Sugar-Free)
Product Description:
Cetramaks Vitauct 250ml is a powerful, sugar-free extract of Icelandic moss (Cetraria islandica), utilizing a unique 5-stage SCAT extraction process to maximize the concentration of biologically active compounds far exceeding the effectiveness of traditional brewing methods. This potent formula offers a wide range of health benefits:
Respiratory Support:
Cetramaks effectively soothes coughs, reduces mucus, and aids in recovery from bronchitis and other upper respiratory infections. Its natural antibiotic properties make it a valuable ally in combating infections such as whooping cough, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, and even provides symptomatic relief for tuberculosis.
Gastrointestinal Health:
The high mucilage content of Icelandic moss gently coats and protects the stomach lining, relieving irritation and promoting healthy digestion. Its bitter compounds stimulate appetite and improve gut function.
Immune System Support:
Cetraria islandica is known for its immune-boosting properties, strengthening the body’s natural defenses.
Additional Benefits:
Cetramaks exhibits anti-tumor, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal activities. Its mucilage content also benefits intestinal peristalsis and may be beneficial for those with psoriasis and dermatitis. It may also help regulate thyroid function.
Product Details:
- Appearance: A thick, brownish to reddish-brown liquid with a characteristic odor. Slight opalescence, cloudiness, and sediment are normal and do not affect quality or efficacy.
- Sugar-Free: Suitable for individuals with diabetes. 2 teaspoons (10ml) contain no more than 1.0g of sorbitol (≤0.1 XE). 1 XE corresponds to approximately 10-12g of carbohydrates.
- Contraindications: Individual intolerance to components, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and a propensity for diarrhea. Consult your doctor before use.
- Note: Product packaging may vary.
- Manufacturer: OOO “Vitaukt-prom”, Russia.
Icelandic moss, Cetraria islandica, Cetramaks, Vitauct, cough, bronchitis, respiratory infection, immune support, stomach protection, natural antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antimicrobial, anti-tumor, mucilage, sugar-free, diabetes, psoriasis, dermatitis, thyroid support, herbal remedy, natural medicine, SCAT extraction.