Title: Muscle Roller Massager with Spiked and Smooth Wheels
Description: This intense muscle roller massager is perfect for use on all body parts. Featuring a comfortable handle and rollers with both spiked and smooth surfaces, it stimulates blood circulation, restores muscle tone after periods of inactivity, promotes rapid muscle relaxation after exercise, and relieves fatigue and stress. Made from durable plastic and silicone, this orange massager measures 10.5 x 12 x 3.5 cm and weighs only 112g. Packaged in a header bag. Made in China.
SEO Keywords: muscle roller massager, body massager, muscle roller, massage roller, spiked roller, smooth roller, self massage, muscle relaxation, stress relief, circulation, muscle tone, recovery, fitness recovery, post workout recovery, portable massager, handheld massager, orange massager, plastic massager, silicone massager, China massager.