Title: Osteosyl D3 (3 Packs) – Norway’s Premium Calcium & Vitamin D3 Supplement for Bone Health
Osteosyl D3: Complete 3-Pack Course for Optimal Bone Health. Osteosyl D3 from Norway provides a superior blend of essential nutrients to combat calcium deficiency and support strong, healthy bones. This comprehensive formula is specifically designed to prevent bone loss, increase bone density, and improve bone strength, particularly beneficial for those with osteopenia or osteoporosis.
Ideal for:
- Pregnant Women: Meeting the increased daily calcium requirement (1000mg+) is crucial for fetal development, both physical and cognitive. Calcium deficiency can lead to developmental delays.
- Women in Menopause: Addressing the higher calcium needs (1200-1400mg+) during this period helps prevent osteoporosis and maintain bone health.
- Athletes: Replenishing calcium stores (1000-1200mg+) is essential to support increased physical demands and optimize calcium absorption.
Osteosyl D3 also provides: Vitamin D3, Magnesium, Zinc, and Vitamin K, all vital for optimal bone health.
Indications: Osteopenia, osteoporosis, pregnancy, menopause, athletic activity, and as a supplemental source of key bone-supporting nutrients.
Dosage: 1-2 tablets daily with meals.
Contraindications: None.
Osteosyl D3, Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, Calcium Supplement, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Bone Health, Pregnancy, Menopause, Athletes, Norway, Calcium Deficiency, Bone Density, Bone Strength, Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin K, 3 Pack, Complete Course.