Title: Klamin 80: Iodine-Rich Seaweed Supplement (160 Tablets)
Enhanced Description
Klamin 80 is a comprehensive dietary supplement derived from the lipid fraction of Laminaria seaweed, a rich source of iodine and other essential nutrients. Each tablet provides a natural blend of iodine, potassium, calcium, iron, selenium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, omega-3 fatty acids, chlorophyll, plant sterols, and polysaccharides.
Key Benefits
- Thyroid Support: Klamin 80 helps normalize thyroid function due to its natural iodine content.
- Immune System Boost: Supports a healthy immune response and may stimulate blood cell production.
- Digestive Health: Possesses gentle laxative and enterosorbent properties, beneficial for those with chronic gastrointestinal issues.
- Lipid Metabolism & Cardiovascular Health: Improves lipid metabolism, helps lower cholesterol levels, and enhances antioxidant status, supporting cardiovascular well-being.
- Weight Management: May aid in weight loss as part of a comprehensive weight management program.
- Women’s Health: Shows promise in alleviating symptoms associated with various forms of mastopathy and may help regulate menstrual cycles.
- Hepatoprotective Properties: Offers potential liver-protective benefits.
Klamin 80 contains two packs of 80 tablets (0.65g each), providing a total of 160 tablets for sustained support.
Klamin 80, iodine supplement, seaweed supplement, Laminaria extract, thyroid support, immune system support, digestive health, weight loss, cholesterol, cardiovascular health, mastopathy, menstrual cycle regulation, omega-3 fatty acids, natural supplement, dietary supplement, iodine deficiency, micronutrients, minerals, hepatic protection, enterosorbent, laxative.