Title: UnikoNEXT Hand Sanitizer (3-Pack, 250ml Each) – Broad-Spectrum Disinfectant
UnikoNEXT is a powerful, broad-spectrum disinfectant hand sanitizer, effective against viruses, bacteria, fungi, and even highly dangerous pathogens like cholera and plague. Proven effective against COVID-19 by the 48th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (48th CRI MoD RF), UnikoNEXT is ideal for comprehensive disinfection of various surfaces. Its odorless formula is gentle on surfaces, making it suitable for use on:
- Homes & Offices: Hard surfaces, furniture, equipment, tools.
- Public Spaces: Public transport, common areas.
- Healthcare Settings: Medical equipment, linens, utensils, patient care items.
- Childcare: Toys and children’s items.
- Food Preparation Areas: Kitchen surfaces, utensils, and tableware.
- Beauty Salons: Work surfaces and tools.
- Personal Use: Hands, shoes (inner surfaces).
UnikoNEXT is safe for children and provides reliable protection against a wide range of harmful microorganisms, including those responsible for hospital-acquired infections. Each pack contains three 250ml bottles.