Title: Amaranth Oil Capsules: Cold-Pressed for Maximum Benefits
Description: Experience the power of cold-pressed amaranth oil capsules, processed at temperatures below 25°C to preserve all vital vitamins, micro and macronutrients. Our capsules, made from natural, Halal-certified bovine gelatin, prevent oxidation, ensuring long-lasting potency. Boasting a maximized concentration of squalene, amaranth oil boosts immunity, combats aging, prevents tissue hypoxia, and acts as a potent oncoprotector. Its anti-inflammatory, protective, and wound-healing properties stimulate tissue regeneration and aid in treating burns, ulcers, and eczema. Rich in Vitamins A, E, B-complex, folic acid, and Omega-3, -6, and -9 fatty acids (linolenic, linoleic, and oleic), amaranth oil combats aging, nourishes the body, and promotes youthful skin. It also helps prevent cholesterol plaque buildup, supports heart health, and improves hair growth. Further enriched with phytosterols – hormone-like substances without side effects – amaranth oil aids in the treatment of erosion, endometriosis, and uterine fibroids. Widely used in cosmetics for its therapeutic properties, unlike coconut, ghee, or olive oil, amaranth oil should not be heated. Our optimally sized capsules ensure comfortable ingestion. Not a drug.