Title: Hot Pen Pimenta: Strawberry & Chili Edible Body Pen
Experience the thrill of Hot Pen Pimenta, the edible body pen with a tantalizing blend of sweet strawberry and fiery chili. Already a sensation, Hot Pen Pimenta elevates intimacy with its unique flavor profile and delicate tingling sensations. Indulge in irresistible taste sensations and explore exciting new levels of pleasure. The chili pepper extract creates a unique warming and spicy feeling on intimate areas. Unleash your creativity – write, draw, and erase while you savor the exciting flavors. For external use only. 35g.
Ingredients: Saccharide hydrolysate, cocoa powder, flavoring, water, sodium benzoate, Capsicum annuum fruit extract.
Application: Gently apply to any area of the body, applying slight pressure with your fingers.