Title: Satori Beauty Collagen: Premium Japanese Collagen Supplement (210g)
Experience the transformative power of Satori Beauty Collagen, a premium Japanese supplement formulated to enhance your beauty and well-being from within. Each serving delivers 5000mg of high-quality, low-molecular-weight fish collagen for superior bioavailability and maximum effectiveness. This potent blend also includes 20mg of hyaluronic acid, 10mg of Coenzyme Q10, and essential vitamins and minerals to support healthy skin, joints, and overall mobility. Enjoy the tasteless, colorless powder easily mixed into your favorite foods and drinks. A convenient measuring scoop is included. One daily serving (7g) provides: 5000mg collagen peptides, 20mg hyaluronic acid, 10mg Coenzyme Q10, 50mg glucosamine, 1500mg glucose, 200mg polysaccharides, 50mg Vitamin C, 2mg Vitamin B6, 6mg Calcium, and 3.2mg Magnesium. Unlock your radiant potential with Satori Beauty Collagen.