Title: Pediakid Omega-3 Gummies for Kids: 60 Delicious Bear-Shaped Vitamins with Flaxseed Oil
Support your child’s healthy development with Pediakid Omega-3 Gummies, delicious bear-shaped vitamins packed with essential nutrients. Formulated by the trusted French brand Pediakid, these gummies are perfect for children aged 3 and up, especially during periods of increased cognitive demand. Each gummy provides a delicious, natural lemon flavor derived from apple pectin, and is free from gelatin, gluten, lactose, preservatives, artificial flavors, and artificial colors.
These Omega-3 gummies are a great way to supplement your child’s diet with essential fatty acids crucial for brain development, memory improvement, and concentration. The flaxseed oil base delivers a rich source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an Omega-3 fatty acid. Furthermore, each gummy is enriched with Vitamins A, E, B5, and B6, and Zinc, contributing to:
- Enhanced Concentration & Memory: Supported by Zinc and Omega-3s.
- Improved Vision: Thanks to Vitamin A.
- Boosted Cognitive Function: Vitamin B5 contributes to the synthesis of neurotransmitters and improved mental performance.
- Healthy Nervous System Function: Supported by Vitamin B6.
Unlike traditional pills or capsules, these tasty gummies make supplementation enjoyable for even the pickiest eaters. Pediakid uses only high-quality, safe ingredients, giving parents peace of mind knowing their children are receiving a beneficial and delicious supplement.
Nutritional Information (per 2 gummies, 4.6g):
- Flaxseed Oil (Linum usitatissimum): 46mg
- Omega-3 (alpha-linolenic acid): 23mg
- Vitamin A: 120mcg
- Vitamin E: 4mg
- Vitamin B5: 6mg
- Vitamin B6: 1.4mg
- Zinc: 1.5mg
Not suitable for individuals with allergies to any of the listed ingredients.
Pediakid, Omega-3, gummies, children’s vitamins, kids vitamins, Omega-3 gummies for kids, flaxseed oil, brain development, memory, concentration, focus, vitamins for kids, children’s supplements, natural vitamins, no gelatin, no gluten, no lactose, preservative free, artificial flavor free, artificial color free, cognitive function, healthy brain development, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, zinc, Pediakid Omega-3, child health, healthy kids, lemon flavor, bear shaped gummies, 60 gummies.