Title: Brahmi Powder (Brahmi Churna) – 50g Brain Tonic for Memory, Sleep & Focus
Description: Brahmi Churna, an Ayurvedic brain tonic, supports cognitive function and overall well-being. This dietary supplement is crafted from Centella asiatica, a revered herb traditionally grown in India. Brahmi helps protect against age-related cognitive decline, improve memory and concentration, reduce stress and anxiety, uplift mood, and alleviate headaches and insomnia. It may also offer benefits for chronic conditions and skin health. Key active ingredient: Brahmi (Centella asiatica) – known for its neuroprotective properties, it promotes mental clarity, calms the nervous system, reduces hyperactivity, combats stress, and boosts immunity. Consult your doctor before use. Not a drug. Makes a thoughtful gift for men and women.