Title: Rostok-2F-K FFP2 Respirator with Valve (50 Pack) – 12x Workplace Exposure Limit
Description: Protect your respiratory system with the Rostok-2F-K FFP2 respirator. This 50-pack of molded respirators features an exhalation valve for increased comfort and features a nominal protection factor of 12. Ideal for protection against fine solid and liquid aerosols, including soot, welding fumes, and oil mist, these respirators are suitable for a wide range of applications. Applications include mining, metallurgy, cement production, textiles, construction, woodworking, food processing, instrument making, machinery and machine building, shipbuilding, pharmaceuticals, handling powdered chemicals, processing glass and mineral fibers, electrical and gas welding/cutting, soldering, agriculture, and household use.
Keywords: FFP2 respirator, Rostok-2F-K, respirator with valve, dust mask, face mask, respiratory protection, welding respirator, industrial respirator, safety equipment, PPE, personal protective equipment, 50 pack, bulk respirators, high protection factor, aerosol protection, mining, metallurgy, cement, textile, construction, woodworking, food processing, pharmaceuticals, welding, soldering, agriculture.