Title: Yellow 1L Puncture-Proof Medical Waste Container with Integrated Needle Destroyer – OLDANS (50 Pack)
OLDANS puncture-proof medical waste containers are designed for the safe disposal of sharps, complying with relevant safety standards (e.g., equivalent to SanPiN These robust, hermetically sealed, cylindrical containers are manufactured from high-strength composite polymers, eliminating the risk of punctures. The integrated needle destroyer features four uniquely shaped slots, including a beveled universal slot for the contactless removal of all cannula types. The recessed needle destroyer (5mm below the surface) prevents contact between the lid’s interior and biomaterial, minimizing contamination. Containers are single-use (up to 3 days) and come pre-assembled with a screw-on lid. Optional accessories include a tamper-evident lid, carrying handle, and container-mounting ring. Color-coded labels clearly indicate the waste hazard class and provide space for additional markings. The container features a prominent biohazard symbol. Convenient and easy to use, these containers are ideal for small clinics, dental practices, healthcare facilities, and emergency medical kits. This pack contains 50 units.
Instructions for Use:
- Remove the lid.
- Secure the container on a stable surface for one-handed operation.
- Dispose of needles and sharps through the needle destroyer slots, holding the container by the neck.
- Replace the lid between procedures.
- Do not fill above the designated fill line.
- Secure the lid after use.
- Proceed with appropriate waste disposal.
- Do not puncture the container.
- Do not compact or apply physical force to the filled container.
Warranty Disclaimer:
The warranty is void if the product expires, if misused or mishandled, or if it sustains external mechanical damage due to user error.
medical waste container, sharps container, needle destroyer, puncture-proof, biohazard container, medical waste disposal, healthcare waste, sharps disposal, single-use container, disposable container, yellow sharps container, OLDANS, 1L container, 50 pack, tamper-evident, healthcare waste management, clinical waste, dental waste, emergency medical kit, SanPiN (or equivalent standard for target region).