Title: Altai Chanterelle Mushroom Extract ForteVita Capsules: 15-Day Natural Detox & Parasite Cleanse (45 Capsules)
ForteVita Altai Chanterelle Mushroom Extract capsules offer a 100% natural detox and parasite cleanse, utilizing the power of kinohimanose and ergosterol. These potent compounds, derived from high-quality, low-temperature extracted Altai chanterelles, work synergistically to support your body’s natural detoxification processes.
How it Works:
Unlike harsh chemical dewormers, kinohimanose specifically targets parasite nerve centers, effectively paralyzing and eliminating them without harming your body. Simultaneously, ergosterol supports liver function and detoxification. The extract also dissolves parasite egg shells, preventing re-infestation. Experience a gentle yet effective cleanse, free from harmful side effects.
Key Benefits:
- Natural Parasite Cleanse: Effectively targets and removes parasites without harsh chemicals.
- Liver Support & Detoxification: Promotes healthy liver function and overall detoxification.
- High-Quality Extraction: Low-temperature extraction ensures maximum nutrient retention.
- 100% Natural: Made with pure Altai chanterelle mushrooms – no artificial additives.
- Certified Product: Meets the highest quality and safety standards.
- 15-Day Supply: 45 capsules provide a complete 15-day cleanse.
Altai chanterelle, chanterelle mushroom, ForteVita, parasite cleanse, natural detox, liver support, kinohimanose, ergosterol, 100% natural, herbal supplement, detox capsules, parasite removal, gut health, deworming, natural remedy, certified product, 15 day cleanse, 45 capsules.