Title: Goncharov Ebonite Massage Disc, 11cm Diameter
Enhanced Description
The Goncharov 11cm ebonite massage disc offers a unique and effective massage experience. Crafted from high-quality ebonite – a naturally hypoallergenic material composed of only rubber and sulfur – this disc provides exceptional durability and hygiene. Ebonite’s inherent resistance to acids, fats, salts, and gases ensures lasting performance and effortless cleaning. Unlike other materials, ebonite’s non-porous surface prevents the build-up of bacteria, fungi, and other pathogens, making it exceptionally safe for use.
The disc’s smooth surface glides effortlessly across the skin, delivering a gentle yet stimulating massage. The friction generated during massage produces static electricity, creating mild biocurrents (5-10 mA) that stimulate skin cell function and improve circulation. This natural stimulation contributes to healthier, more vibrant skin.
Cleaning is simple: just wash with soap and water. Blood, sweat, skin particles, and other residues will not adhere to the ebonite surface. Experience the difference of a truly hygienic and effective massage tool with the Goncharov ebonite disc.