Title: Danila Travnіk Saxifrage (Kidneywort) Herb – 50g
Description: Saxifrage root (Kidneywort) possesses diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and spasmolytic properties, aiding in the dissolution of kidney stones and the elimination of salts and toxins from the body. This herbal remedy is effectively used in treating nephrolithiasis, regardless of stone composition (urates, oxalates, or phosphates), mineral metabolism disorders, gout, pyrophosphate arthropathy, and edema in the lower extremities associated with kidney disease. Saxifrage is also beneficial for cholelithiasis, chronic cholecystitis, and chronic hepatitis. This dietary supplement improves digestion, stimulates gastric juice secretion, and normalizes gastrointestinal tract function. Therefore, this natural remedy is recommended for chronic gastritis with reduced secretory function and chronic anacid gastritis, acting as a preventative measure against stomach cancer. A delicious and healthy tea – a wonderful holiday gift for yourself and loved ones!