Title: High-Quality Gutta-Percha Endodontic Points (0.02 Taper, Sizes 45-80, 240 Points)
Premium gutta-percha endodontic points for reliable root canal obturation. These points are manufactured from 100% biocompatible natural gutta-percha, ensuring optimal patient safety. Precise ISO sizing and color-coded tips facilitate efficient use. This bulk pack contains 240 points (2 x 120-point packs) with a 0.02 taper, ranging in sizes from 45 to 80. Their high radiopacity ensures clear visibility during X-ray imaging, while excellent plasticity supports all condensation techniques. The convenient slide-out cassette with foam insert prevents point dislodgement, maintaining organization and hygiene.
gutta percha points, endodontic points, root canal obturation, dental points, gutta percha, ISO sizes, 0.02 taper, size 45-80, biocompatible, high radiopacity, dental supplies, dental materials, root canal filling, dental instruments, endo points, bulk pack, dental practice.