Title: 150ml Large Medical & Pastry Syringe – Multipurpose Use
This 150ml three-part syringe is a versatile tool suitable for various medical and culinary applications. Featuring a silicone-coated rubber plunger for smooth operation, it’s designed for: fluid aspiration, cavity irrigation, enteral feeding, and intravenous/intraperitoneal infusions. Compatible with catheters and probes, this latex-free syringe offers exceptional functionality.
Its hypoallergenic materials meet stringent medical standards, ensuring safe usage. Individually blister-packed for sterility and product information clarity, it undergoes rigorous testing to meet all relevant toxic, hygienic, sanitary, and chemical requirements. With a 5-year shelf life, this high-quality syringe boasts a durable, non-washable scale on its transparent cylinder and an ergonomically designed finger grip for secure handling. The emerald plastic plunger and specially designed rubber seal ensure accurate fluid delivery. This syringe is equally adept as a pastry syringe for precise dispensing of icing or other fillings. The blister pack ensures the syringe’s sterility and integrity until opened.