Title: Lactoflorene® Flat Belly – Italian Probiotic Complex (20 Sachets)
Experience effortless digestion and say goodbye to bloating with Lactoflorene® Flat Belly. This Italian probiotic complex effectively tackles bloating and promotes comfortable digestion. Lactoflorene® Flat Belly addresses the root causes of bloating using a unique blend of probiotics, digestive enzymes, and herbal extracts.
Live bifido and lactobacilli work to restore intestinal microflora balance, suppressing gas-producing and putrefactive bacteria. The digestive enzymes in Lactoflorene® Flat Belly include alpha-galactosidase (which helps digest complex carbohydrates like legumes, grains, seeds, and root vegetables known for causing gas) and beta-galactosidase (lactase), aiding in the better absorption of milk and dairy products. Herbal extracts provide a carminative effect, reducing gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract, promoting the expulsion of accumulated gas, and offering an anti-stress effect for relaxation.
Lactoflorene® Flat Belly: Eat, Drink, Live!
Packaged in innovative DUOCAM® technology, each sachet is divided into two compartments (A and B). Compartment A contains enzymes and herbal extracts, while compartment B holds the sensitive bifido and lactobacilli, ensuring optimal preservation and preventing interaction before use. This advanced formulation, backed by Montefarmaco’s (since 1945) expertise, makes Lactoflorene® a leading probiotic choice in Italy.
A healthy microbiota is crucial for a strong immune system. Lactoflorene® combines plant-based ingredients, vitamins, prebiotics, and probiotics for targeted relief and improved quality of life.
- Enzymatic deficiency
- Dysbiosis (imbalance of gut flora)
- Impaired bowel motility
- Digestive disorders (heaviness, heartburn, belching)
- Diarrhea, constipation, bloating
- Unbalanced diet (high gas-producing foods, excessive fatty or sugary foods)
- Stressful situations
Individual intolerance to the product’s components, pregnancy, breastfeeding. Consult a doctor before use.
Adults: Take one sachet daily before a main meal. Dissolve the contents of the DUOCAM® sachet in a glass of cool or room-temperature water. Take for 10-30 days. Repeat as needed.
Made in Italy.
Manufacturer: S.I.I.T. s.r.l., Via Ariosto 50/60 – 20090 Trezzano sul Naviglio (Milano), Italy for MONTEFARMACO OTC S.p.A., VIA IV NOVEMBRE, 92, 20021 BOLLATE (MI), Italy.
Expiry Date: 2 years
Lactoflorene, Flat Belly, Probiotic, Italian Probiotic, Digestive Enzymes, Bloating, Gas, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dysbiosis, Gut Health, Intestinal Microflora, Montefarmaco, DUOCAM, Alpha-Galactosidase, Beta-Galactosidase (Lactase), Herbal Extracts, Carminative, Digestive Support, Gut Microbiome, Immune System, Dietary Supplement, Italy, Bloating Relief, Probiotic Supplement