Title: Red Miracle Cupping Set (2x 5.5cm Cups) – Vacuum Body Massager
Experience the therapeutic benefits of the Red Miracle Cupping Set, a two-piece vacuum body massager designed to improve circulation, enhance skin elasticity, and alleviate various health concerns. Each cup measures 5.5cm x 5.5cm.
Effective for:
- Respiratory Issues: Provides relief from symptoms of colds, pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchitis, asthma, by improving blood flow and promoting expectoration. Reduces fever and improves breathing.
- Musculoskeletal Pain: Targets and alleviates pain associated with radiculitis, myositis, neuralgia, neuritis, and osteoarthritis (including cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis).
- Cellulite Reduction: Stimulates fat cell breakdown, improving skin texture and reducing the appearance of cellulite through targeted massage.
How to Use:
Apply massage oil or cream to the skin. Gently squeeze the cups to create a vacuum and place them on the body. The duration and frequency of treatment should be determined by individual needs and in consultation with a physician. Specific techniques include:
- Osteochondrosis: Use gliding motions from the lower back upwards towards the neck. For cervical osteochondrosis, perform circular motions around the seventh cervical vertebra (most prominent when the head is tilted forward).
- Respiratory Infections (URIs, bronchitis, pneumonia): Use spiral movements from the center of the back towards the shoulders.
- Radiculitis: Massage the lumbar region.
- Cellulite: Employ straight-line and circular movements on affected areas.
Important Considerations:
- Safety: Even with strong vacuum, capillary damage is unlikely. However, consult your doctor before use.
- Contraindications: Do not use on the spine, heart, kidneys, or breasts. Avoid use if you have tuberculosis, benign or malignant tumors, or skin diseases. Always consult your physician before starting treatment.