Title: 50ml Sterile Disposable Syringe (3 Pack) with 18G Needle
These high-quality, 3-part LUER Slip syringes from TIAN YU are designed for administering viscous (oil-based) solutions, fluid aspiration for diagnostic purposes, and medication delivery via infusion pumps. Each 50ml syringe includes a securely attached 18G (1.2x38mm) needle, ensuring reliable and leak-proof performance. The robust LUER Slip connection is particularly valuable when injecting children or animals, minimizing the risk of needle detachment during movement. These syringes are also highly valued by cosmetologists for their precision and reliability. This 3-pack offers exceptional value and convenience.
50ml syringe, disposable syringe, 3-part syringe, Luer Slip syringe, 18G needle, sterile syringe, injection syringe, medical syringe, veterinary syringe, cosmetic syringe, Tian Yu syringe, viscous solution syringe, infusion pump syringe, oil-based solution syringe, diagnostic syringe, 3 pack syringe