Title: Golden Altai Herbal Remedy for Dry Cough (1.5g x 20 Sachets)
Soothe your dry cough with Golden Altai, a natural herbal remedy featuring a potent blend of St. John’s Wort, Pine Buds, Raspberry Leaves, and Thyme. This unique formulation combines expectorant, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties to provide relief from dry cough symptoms. St. John’s Wort’s soothing action also benefits inflamed oral mucosa. Pine buds offer a strengthening effect alongside their expectorant and antiseptic properties. Raspberry leaves provide additional relief with their diaphoretic and antipyretic actions. Finally, Thyme contributes its antibacterial and antiseptic qualities, while gently calming the body. Experience natural relief from your dry cough with Golden Altai.