Title: 16G x 100mm Blunt Tip Cannula for Contouring & Cosmetic Procedures (10 Pack)
These sterile, single-use 16G x 100mm blunt tip cannulas are designed for safe and effective use in medical and cosmetic procedures, including contouring and bioreparation. Made from high-quality, hypoallergenic medical-grade steel and plastic, each cannula features a smooth, atraumatic design that minimizes tissue trauma and the risk of bruising or bleeding. The blunt tip allows for gentle, precise injection of fillers and other cosmetic solutions in delicate areas such as the:
Areas of Use:
- Face: Glabellar lines, under-eye circles, eyebrows/temples, cheekbones, jawline.
- Body: Upper and lower extremities.
Ideal for Procedures:
- Biorevitalization & Mesotherapy: Maintain optimal skin hydration.
- Filler Injections: Address age-related concerns like wrinkles, dark circles, puffiness, and skin laxity.
- Facial Contouring: Refine facial shape and enhance specific features.
The cannula’s atraumatic design facilitates smooth, comfortable insertion into the dermis, enabling both subcutaneous and periosteal injections. Each cannula comes with a stylet and is individually packaged for sterility and hygiene. Experience the difference with these premium cannulas—delivering professional results with minimal patient discomfort. Order your 10-pack today.