Title: ROXY-KIDS Postpartum Disposable Underwear with Absorbent Pad (Size L, 3 Pack)
Experience ultimate postpartum comfort and protection with ROXY-KIDS disposable postpartum underwear. These aren’t your average disposable underwear; they combine the convenience of disposable underpants with the absorbency of a heavy-duty postpartum pad, holding up to 400ml of fluid. Designed for both delivery and the postpartum recovery period, they feature a super-absorbent core that instantly converts liquid to gel, keeping you dry and comfortable. The 36cm long, sterile pad provides superior leak protection, while the high, secure waistband prevents side leakage. The breathable, cotton-like fabric and soft seams feel like comfortable everyday underwear, making them ideal for both day and night use. The gentle abdominal support offers a light compression effect similar to a postpartum girdle, aiding in recovery. These ultra-absorbent postpartum pants are a must-have for your hospital bag and essential for the first few weeks after childbirth. ROXY-KIDS – created with care and love for moms and babies. Perfect for postpartum bleeding and ideal for use as menstrual underwear during heavy flow periods.