Title: Orto Soft Tech 44: Supportive Orthotic Insoles for Flat Feet
Description: Experience superior comfort and support with Orto Soft Tech 44 orthopedic insoles. These frameless insoles feature a pronounced longitudinal arch support, minimal metatarsal pad, and a cup-shaped heel cradle for optimal foot alignment. The cushioning Memopur® layer molds to your foot’s unique shape, distributing pressure evenly and reducing strain on soft tissues. Durable, wear-resistant top fabric and a polymer base ensure long-lasting performance. Designed to: relieve plantar pain, support longitudinal and transverse arches, correct rearfoot posture in valgus deformities, and reduce impact on lower limb joints and spine, promoting treatment and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders. Ideal for flat feet and related conditions. Size 44.