Title: Straight Surgical Scissors with One Sharp Blade, 140mm (2 Pack)
These 140mm straight surgical scissors, sold as a 2-pack, are a crucial precision instrument for various medical applications. Featuring one sharp and one blunt blade, they are ideal for delicate tasks such as dissecting soft tissues during surgery, removing sutures, cutting bandages, and preparing dressing materials. Crafted from high-quality medical-grade stainless steel, these reusable scissors are designed for durability and longevity. Their straight blades provide accurate cuts, while the ring handles offer comfortable and controlled use. Sterilization is achieved through autoclaving at 134°C or dry heat sterilization up to 180°C. The working length of the blades is 50mm.
surgical scissors, medical scissors, straight scissors, blunt-tipped scissors, one sharp blade scissors, 140mm scissors, 2 pack scissors, medical instruments, surgical tools, dissection scissors, suture removal scissors, bandage scissors, dressing scissors, reusable scissors, autoclavable scissors, dry heat sterilization, medical grade steel, 50mm blade length