Title: Orliman IR-5001 Knee Immobilizer Support – 50cm Height, Adjustable & Breathable
The Orliman IR-5001 knee immobilizer provides superior support and immobilization for pre- and post-operative care, injury recovery, and transportation. This 50cm high, adjustable support features three rigid, removable aluminum splints for effective joint stabilization. Unlike bulky casts, the lightweight design (450-890g) incorporates breathable, cotton-lined material for all-day comfort. Its unique three-panel construction with additional inner elastic straps ensures a secure, customized fit for various body types, preventing slippage and simplifying adjustment. The Orliman IR-5001 offers a comfortable and effective alternative to traditional plaster casts, ideal for managing pre-operative pain, post-operative recovery, and transportation needs. Its removable splints also allow for easy hygiene maintenance.
Orliman, IR-5001, knee immobilizer, knee brace, knee support, knee splint, immobilization, post-operative care, pre-operative care, injury recovery, adjustable knee brace, breathable knee brace, lightweight knee brace, alternative to cast, knee injury, transportation brace, pain relief, Spain, orthopedic support.