Title: 16G Cannula for Contouring (10 Pack, 16Gx100mm)
Enhanced Description:
Experience superior precision and patient comfort with our 16G cannulas, specifically designed for advanced contouring procedures. This 10-pack of 16Gx100mm cannulas is crafted from premium, hypoallergenic medical-grade stainless steel and plastic, ensuring both safety and efficacy. Each cannula is individually sterile-packed and includes a trocar for seamless insertion.
The blunt-tip design eliminates the risk of cutting tissues, resulting in minimally invasive procedures with reduced bruising and bleeding. This makes them ideal for delicate areas requiring gentle product delivery, such as the face. Our 16G cannulas are perfectly suited for a wide range of applications, including:
- Liporeduction: Precisely remove unwanted fat deposits.
- Lipofilling: Gently transfer and redistribute fat for natural-looking volume.
- Facial and Body Contouring: Sculpt and refine facial features and body shapes.
- Cosmetic Defect Correction: Address a variety of aesthetic imperfections.
Master advanced techniques with ease. The optimal size and blunt tip facilitate both subcutaneous and periosteal injections, enabling you to work in even the deepest dermal layers with confidence. Our 16G cannulas excel in:
- Retrograde Linear Technique: Precise and controlled product placement.
- Fanning Technique: Even distribution for natural-looking results.
Ensure patient safety and achieve exceptional results with our premium 16G cannulas. Order your 10-pack today.