Title: Chitosan Forte VITAMIR: Antioxidant for Weight Management, Figure Correction & Immunity (30 Tablets)
Chitosan Forte VITAMIR harnesses the power of chitosan, a natural substance derived from crustacean shells. This unique, lipophilic dietary fiber is a rising star in science, medicine, and the food industry, celebrated for its diverse benefits.
Chitosan, a type of insoluble fiber, acts as a “biofilter,” passing through the body undigested. Its antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties are well-documented. Its chemical structure allows it to bind and eliminate various substances, including metal ions, toxins, and bacterial toxins produced in the large intestine, effectively detoxifying the body. Superior to plant fiber, chitosan’s unique molecular structure makes it a highly effective natural sorbent. In the gut, it helps restore microbial balance.
Working like a “magnet,” chitosan binds dietary fats before they are absorbed, promoting their elimination and preventing fat accumulation. It also supports cardiovascular health by helping to regulate cholesterol levels. Chitosan supplementation can enhance the body’s adaptive response to physical exertion and psycho-emotional stress.
Further enhanced with inulin, a prebiotic fiber derived from chicory root, Chitosan Forte VITAMIR provides additional digestive support. Inulin remains intact until reaching the large intestine where it nourishes beneficial bacteria, promoting a healthy gut microbiome. This contributes to increased resistance against bacterial and viral infections. Inulin also positively impacts metabolism, helps regulate blood sugar levels, and may contribute to lowering LDL (“bad”) cholesterol.
Chitosan Forte VITAMIR provides 500mg of Chitosan and 200mg of Inulin per tablet. Experience the combined benefits of these powerful natural ingredients for improved well-being.