Title: Magnesium for Children and Pregnant Women – 100ml Liquid Supplement
Magnesium is vital for children and adults, playing a crucial role in over 300 biochemical reactions. Because the body doesn’t store magnesium, regular supplementation is essential. This liquid magnesium with vitamin B6 is particularly beneficial for women, helping stabilize menstrual cycles and regulate blood pressure. Often prescribed during hormonal changes and pregnancy, magnesium supports placental development and reduces uterine tone. It also improves skin, hair, and nail health, and may aid in weight management. Our easy-to-use liquid formula makes supplementation simple for both children and adults; easily mix with your child’s favorite beverage to mask any taste. This organic magnesium B6 maintains its properties regardless of the drink used. Our ionic magnesium complex contains only two key ingredients: magnesium chloride and a mineral complex, providing a naturally slightly bitter taste, indicating its purity. This magnesium supplement reduces stress, improves sleep, and calms the nervous system. Unlike capsules or tablets, our liquid magnesium chloride solution gently supports digestion and metabolism without irritating the intestines. The convenient bottle with a dropper ensures precise dosage. Mg Salt’s effective magnesium is ideal for children aged 3+ and adults of all ages and genders. Certified product.