Title: Siberian Monarda CO2 Extract – 15ml – Powerful Natural Remedy
Siberian Monarda CO2 Extract (15ml) is a potent natural remedy derived from the monarda plant using supercritical CO2 extraction. This process ensures a high concentration of active compounds, including thymol and camphene, known for their broad-spectrum bactericidal, antifungal, and antiviral properties. This powerful extract offers a multitude of benefits, including:
- Anti-inflammatory & Immunomodulating: Supports a healthy immune response and reduces inflammation.
- Antioxidant & Anti-aging: Combats free radical damage, promoting cellular renewal and delaying the aging process.
- Skin Health: Effective in treating acne, fungal infections (including ringworm and athlete’s foot), herpes, and other skin irritations. Soothes sunburn, reduces itching, and improves the appearance of dry, irritated skin. Promotes healthy nail growth.
- Respiratory Support: Helps prevent and alleviate symptoms of colds and the flu.
- Stress Relief & Energy Boost: Supports nervous system health, combats fatigue, and promotes vitality.
- Hair Health: Effectively treats dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis.
Suggested Use:
Apply a thin layer to affected areas 3 times daily for 25-30 days. For preventative use, apply 2-3 times per week. For seborrheic dermatitis, massage into the scalp 2-3 hours before washing. For nail fungus, soak nails in warm salt water or tea tree oil before application. Can be added to facial creams.
Perform a patch test before first use. Discontinue use if irritation occurs.
Store in a cool, dark place in a tightly sealed container. Keep out of reach of children.
Shelf Life:
12 months
Monarda extract, CO2 extract, Siberian Monarda, natural remedy, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, acne treatment, skin care, hair care, dandruff treatment, seborrheic dermatitis, nail fungus treatment, immune support, stress relief, energy booster, natural skincare, herbal remedy, organic skincare, thymol, camphene, cold and flu prevention.