Title: Hartmann Sterile Gauze Swabs Sterilux ES 10×10 cm (5 pcs/2 packs)
Enhanced Description
PAUL HARTMANN, a leading European developer and supplier of medical products, provides comprehensive solutions for first aid, wound care, infection prevention, home healthcare, hygiene, disinfection, and home diagnostics. The Sterilux ES line offers superior sterile gauze swabs for reliable wound management.
These 10x10cm sterile gauze swabs are crafted from premium, 21-thread-per-square-centimeter cotton gauze. The expertly turned edges prevent fraying, even with multiple unfolds, allowing for versatile application and adaptable sizing to suit various wound sizes. Each pack contains 5 swabs, and this listing includes 2 packs for your convenience. Trust Hartmann for quality and reliability in your healthcare needs. Perfect for first aid kits, hospitals, clinics, and home healthcare.