Title: Krayt B-831 #1 Sacroiliac Belt (76-96 cm) – Pelvic Support for Postpartum Recovery, Piriformis Syndrome, and Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction
The Krayt B-831 #1 sacroiliac belt provides gentle support and stabilization to the pelvic region. This 6.5cm high, comfortable belt (76-96cm waist circumference) is ideal for managing pelvic instability, sacroiliac joint pain, and hip discomfort. It’s particularly beneficial for postpartum recovery, addressing symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) and piriformis syndrome. The belt features a soft, breathable fabric blend (40% polyester, 25% cotton, 20% polypropylene, 15% latex), secure Velcro closure, and a non-slip inner lining for comfortable all-day wear. Designed for gentle compression, it helps alleviate pain and promotes healing. Hand wash only in cold water.
sacroiliac belt, pelvic support belt, postpartum recovery belt, piriformis syndrome belt, symphysis pubis dysfunction belt, SPD belt, pelvic girdle pain, hip pain, sacroiliac joint pain, SI joint pain, Krayt B-831, pelvic instability, postpartum support, pelvic pain relief, 76-96 cm waist, postpartum recovery products, maternity support belt, pelvic stability, hip joint support, pain relief belt, back pain relief, comfortable support belt, adjustable support belt.