Title: 10×10 Spunlace Wipes – Perfect for Manicures, Home Cleaning & More
Description: High-quality, 100-count spunlace wipes (35 gsm) individually folded for superior convenience. These versatile 10x10cm wipes are incredibly soft, highly absorbent, and hypoallergenic, making them ideal for a multitude of uses. Perfect for quick and easy cleaning in the home – from kitchen counters and bathrooms to furniture and car interiors. In professional settings, these disposable wipes are a must-have for maintaining hygiene in salons, spas, tattoo parlors, and more, ensuring client safety and comfort during manicures, pedicures, and other beauty treatments. Compact packaging makes them easy to store and transport. Also available in 20x20cm, 20x30cm, and 30x30cm sizes.