Title: Lyapko “Narodny” 7.0 Acupuncture Mat (95×320 mm, Blue)
Experience the therapeutic benefits of the Lyapko “Narodny” acupuncture mat, a compact yet powerful tool for self-massage and pain relief. This smaller, more affordable version of the larger 7.0 mm mat offers exceptional intensity and effectiveness thanks to its wider needle spacing (7.0 mm) and 591 needles. Its dimensions (95 x 320 mm) are ideal for targeted applications on various body parts, including the back, limbs, and torso. Use it as a wrap-around belt or apply it directly to the affected area. The “Narodny” mat’s portability makes it perfect for on-the-go pain management. One or two mats can be used simultaneously for comprehensive spinal treatment. Discover the convenience and power of the Lyapko “Narodny” – your personal path to wellness.