Title: Motherwort Tincture for Heart Health, Blood Pressure & Rhythm Support (100ml)
Motherwort tincture is a natural remedy offering a wide array of potential health benefits. Known for its calming and restorative properties, it may help improve overall well-being, support a healthy immune system, and promote restful sleep. This herbal tincture is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing stress, anxiety, and related cardiovascular concerns.
Potential Benefits:
- Lower blood pressure: Support healthy blood pressure levels.
- Regulate heart rhythm: Promote a healthy and steady heartbeat.
- Reduce blood clotting: Contribute to healthy blood flow.
- Relieve muscle spasms: Offer soothing relief from muscle tension.
- Improve digestion: Support healthy digestive function.
- Reduce swelling (edema): Help alleviate fluid retention.
- Manage stress and anxiety: Promote relaxation and calmness.
- Support nervous system health: Contribute to overall nervous system well-being.
Women’s Health:
- Irregular menstrual cycles: Help regulate menstrual flow.
- Menstrual cramps: Offer relief from painful periods.
- Postpartum bleeding: Reduce the risk of excessive bleeding after childbirth.
- Menopausal symptoms: Alleviate hot flashes and other menopausal discomforts.
Take 1-2 teaspoons orally 2-3 times daily, 30 minutes before meals. Recommended course of treatment is 30 days. May be repeated.
This product is not a medicine. Consult a healthcare professional before use. Not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, or children under 18. Contraindicated in cases of individual intolerance to the product’s components.