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“@type”: “Product”,
“name”: “Smectina (Smectolin) Vanilla Flavored Sachets”,
“description”: “Provides fast relief from diarrhea, bloating, and indigestion. A natural source of inulin and supplemental magnesium.”,
“image”: “[Image URL]”,
“brand”: {
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“name”: “[Brand Name]”
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Smectina (Smectolin): Vanilla Flavored Diarrhea, Bloating & Poisoning Relief (10 Sachets)
Smectina (Smectolin) provides fast relief from diarrhea, bloating, and indigestion. A natural source of inulin and supplemental magnesium, it gently soothes your digestive system. Vanilla flavored sachets for easy consumption. [Expand with details on use, benefits, dosage, side effects]
Frequently Asked Questions
[Add FAQ section here]Learn more about digestive health or explore other similar products.
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