Title: 160ml Jané Catheter Syringe for Feeding and Catheters (Single Use)
This high-quality, 160ml three-component Jané syringe, manufactured by MIM (Tyumen, Russia), is a versatile tool ideal for a wide range of applications. Its tapered tip ensures seamless connection with catheters, making it perfect for animal feeding (small animals, birds, livestock), medical procedures, and even culinary tasks.
Designed for both home and professional use, this syringe boasts several key features:
- Precise Measurement: A clear, sealed barrel with a permanent, indelible scale allows for accurate fluid measurement.
- Smooth Operation: A smooth-moving plunger with a rubber gasket ensures effortless fluid delivery.
- Ergonomic Design: A textured finger grip provides a secure and comfortable hold during use.
- Sterile Packaging: Individually blister-packed in non-toxic, sterile packaging for guaranteed hygiene and product visibility.
- Complete Fluid Delivery: A specially designed rubber seal ensures complete emptying of the syringe, leaving no residue.
- Durable Construction: Made from high-quality, non-toxic materials for reliable performance.
- Versatile Applications: Suitable for medical use (feeding, catheterization), veterinary practices, culinary applications (pastries, oils), and various other precise tasks.
This single-use syringe is sterile, apyrogenic, and non-toxic. It features a blue plastic plunger and is manufactured in Russia (Registration Certificate No. РЗН 2017/6650). Its robust construction and ease of use make it an indispensable tool for both everyday needs and professional settings. Experience the convenience and reliability of this versatile Jané syringe today. Buy now and benefit from its superior quality and performance.