Title: Heated Basalt Stone Massage Set – 16 Stones & Carrying Case
Description: Experience the ancient healing art of stone massage with our professional-grade heated basalt stone set. This comprehensive kit includes 16 carefully selected basalt stones of varying sizes (4 x 8x8cm, 4 x 8x6cm, 8 x 4x3cm), perfectly suited for targeting specific muscle groups and pressure points. The stones are heated to a therapeutic 47-50°C within a convenient, electrically heated carrying case (220V). The gentle heat deeply penetrates muscles, providing powerful pain relief, promoting relaxation, improving circulation, and boosting metabolism. Contrasting temperatures expand blood vessels, easing muscle tension and accelerating the body’s natural healing processes.
Note: This set is intended for professional use only. Always supervise the heating case when in operation. Do not drop the case as this could damage internal wiring. Never add massage oil to the case, as this poses a fire hazard. This product does not include instructional documentation.