Title: 10L Red Class B Organic Waste Container with Handle (MK-02)
This 10-liter (7.5L usable) red, disposable organic waste container (MK-02) is designed for the safe collection, storage, transportation, and disposal of epidemiologically hazardous waste, including organic materials and other waste at the point of origin. Features include a tightly sealed lid with a lower edge fixing rim for a secure, leak-proof closure, and a convenient 50cm long handle for easy transport. Made from durable polypropylene, this Class B container meets stringent safety standards. Includes base, lid, handle, and label. Dimensions: Height 22.5cm.
SEO Keywords:
organic waste container, disposable waste container, medical waste container, biohazard waste container, class B waste container, 10 liter waste container, red waste container, polypropylene waste container, waste disposal container, MK-02, epidemiologically hazardous waste, waste collection container, waste transportation container, handle, sealed lid, polypropylene, medical waste disposal, biohazard waste disposal.