Title: Fortamin: Multivitamins & Antioxidants for Women’s Beauty & Youth
Description: Fortamin® for Women is a vitamin and mineral complex fortified with powerful natural antioxidants – Coenzyme Q10, grape seed extract, and green tea extract – to support energy, youthfulness, and beauty. Fortamin® for Women:
- Suitable for women of all ages.
- Just one tablet a day!
- Coenzyme Q10: For antioxidant support.
- Grape seed extract and rutin: For youthful skin and healthy leg circulation.
- Green tea extract: For energy and weight management support.
- Vita safe technology: Ensures high bioavailability of active ingredients.
8 Vitamins + 4 Minerals + Coenzyme Q10 + Plant-Based Antioxidant Extracts =
- Improved well-being and energy levels.
- Enhanced skin condition.
- Powerful antioxidant protection.
- Weight management support.
- Reduced risk of vascular “spider veins” and bruising.
- Replenishes micronutrients lost through unbalanced diets.
Active Ingredient Content per Tablet:
- Grape seed extract: 15.75 mg
- Green tea leaf extract: 8.88 mg
- Proanthocyanidins (min.): 6 mg
- Coenzyme Q10: 4.5 mg
- Rutin: 15 mg
- Beta-carotene: 1 mg
- Vitamin E: 10.05 mg
- Vitamin D3: 2.5 mcg
- Vitamin C: 90 mg
- Vitamin B2: 1.8 mg
- Vitamin B3/PP: 20 mg
- Vitamin B6: 2 mg
- Vitamin B9 (Folate): 400 mcg
- Zinc: 12 mg
- Iron: 18 mg
- Calcium: 150 mg
- Magnesium: 60 mg
Keywords: Fortamin, women’s vitamins, multivitamins, antioxidants, Coenzyme Q10, grape seed extract, green tea extract, rutin, zinc, magnesium, vitamin D3, vitamin C, vitamin B complex, beauty supplements, youthful skin, energy boost, weight management, healthy circulation, bioavailability, Vita safe technology, women’s health supplements, dietary supplement.