Title: Detachable Tactical Medical Pouch – Military First Aid Organizer
This detachable tactical medical pouch is a spacious first-aid kit designed for rapid deployment and efficient treatment during combat and field operations. Featuring a standard design with two key components – a MOLLE-compatible mounting platform and a readily accessible pouch – it ensures secure attachment to vests, packs, and belts. The pouch opens like a book via a heavy-duty, dual-slider zipper, and a hook-and-loop panel on the rear allows for customization and additional attachment options. A quick-release loop provides instant access in emergency situations. Internally, both halves of the pouch feature two large mesh pockets with segmented elastic straps for organized storage of essential medical supplies. This mid-size pouch is ideal for carrying tourniquets, individual first-aid dressings, bandages, pain relievers, hemostatic agents, plasters, hydrogen peroxide, scissors, and tweezers. The pouch is designed for optimal accessibility when positioned vertically. Please note: this listing is for the pouch only; medical supplies are sold separately.