Title: 22G x 70mm Cannula for Contouring & Volumetric Procedures – Sterile, Single-Use
This versatile 22G cannula is designed for precise and atraumatic delivery of high-viscosity fillers in aesthetic procedures. Crafted from premium, hypoallergenic medical-grade stainless steel and plastic, each sterile, individually-packaged cannula includes a trocar for effortless insertion. The blunt-tip design minimizes trauma, eliminating the need for incisions and reducing the risk of bruising and bleeding. Ideal for delicate areas such as brows, temples, cheekbones, nasolabial folds, and jawline, this cannula facilitates comfortable subdermal and periosteal injections for effective volumization and contouring. Achieve optimal results with minimal patient discomfort and downtime. Suitable for volumetric remodeling and other advanced techniques.