BioFerritin: Chelated Iron with Vitamins C, B9, & B12 – Supplement for Hair, Heart, & Vessel Health (90 Capsules)
BioFerritin is a comprehensive supplement designed to address and prevent iron deficiency, enriched with essential B vitamins. Iron plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and proper function of vital organs, including strengthening the heart, blood vessels, and liver. It’s essential for regulating hemoglobin levels and improving overall blood composition.
BioFerritin is particularly beneficial for women’s health, assisting in hemoglobin restoration after menstruation. The inclusion of Vitamin B9 (folic acid) enhances the positive effects of chelated iron and contributes to the prevention of heart attacks and strokes. Vitamin B12 promotes tissue regeneration, improves nervous system and liver function, and supports healthy blood clotting. Vitamin C protects cell membranes from damage, benefiting teeth, nails, and skin.
Together, Vitamins B9 and B12 restore stamina, boost overall health, and provide protection against common illnesses. Regular intake of BioFerritin can improve your quality of life and overall well-being, regardless of the season. It supports cardiovascular health and contributes to a youthful vitality.
This powerful formula features a high concentration of folic acid, chlorella powder, Vitamin C, bisglycinate chelate iron, and B vitamins, making it suitable for men, women, and seniors. Experience renewed energy and vitality with every capsule. Give the gift of health to your loved ones. Contains 90 capsules.