Title: Herbitas BASIC MINI Silicone Kit: Soft & Medium Density for Podiatric Orthotics (Spain)
Create professional-grade podiatric orthotics with the Herbitas BASIC MINI silicone kit. This 50g+50g+20ml kit includes:
- 50g Podiabland Medium-Soft Silicone: Shore A hardness 12-15. Perfect for a range of orthotic applications.
- 50g Blanda Blanda Extra-Soft Silicone: Shore A hardness 4. Ideal for pressure-relieving orthotics.
- 20ml Liquid Catalyst: Ensures efficient and complete curing.
Innovative Formulation:
Both silicones feature:
- Hydroxipoly silane: Promotes cell regeneration and faster healing of minor skin abrasions.
- Biomaster: An antimicrobial agent with sustained silver ion release, inhibiting microbial growth.
Podiabland Silicone (Shore A 12-15):
This soft, elastic silicone is easy to handle, non-sticky, and boasts a pleasant aroma and pink hue. It’s ideal for mixing with other silicone densities to achieve custom hardness.
Blanda Blanda Silicone (Shore A 4):
Exceptionally soft and elastic, this silicone is perfect for creating pressure-relieving orthotics. It’s also non-sticky, easy to work with, pleasantly scented, pink-tinted, enriched with therapeutic oils, and mixable with other silicones.
Professional Use Only:
Use with Herbitas liquid or gel catalyst. Made in Spain.
podiatric orthotics, silicone, orthotic kit, silicone kit, Herbitas, Podiabland, Blanda Blanda, Shore A hardness, soft silicone, medium silicone, extra-soft silicone, liquid catalyst, hydroxylpoly silane, Biomaster, antimicrobial, cell regeneration, pressure relieving, podiatry supplies, professional podiatry, Spain, medical silicone, 50g silicone, orthotics materials.