Title: Siberian Cedar Resin: Liver, Pancreas, & Cardiovascular Support
Enhanced Description:
Siberian Cedar Resin Plus capsules provide comprehensive support for your cardiovascular system, liver, and pancreas. This potent formula combines the power of purified Siberian cedar resin (turpentine), cedar nut oil, walnut oil, milk thistle oil, and Pamir snowdrop extract for a synergistic effect.
Key Benefits:
- Supports Cardiovascular Health: Cedar nut oil helps maintain healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels, contributing to cardiovascular well-being. Walnut oil further supports cardiovascular health by containing phospholipids and sitosterol, which help regulate cholesterol.
- Liver Protection & Regeneration: Milk thistle oil is a potent liver protectant, helping to support liver cell regeneration and detoxification. The combination with cedar resin enhances its restorative capabilities.
- Pancreatic Support: This unique blend aids in maintaining healthy pancreatic function, contributing to balanced digestion and nutrient absorption.
- Enhanced Cellular Regeneration: Pamir snowdrop extract contains a complex polysaccharide that promotes cellular rejuvenation and overall tissue repair, potentially slowing down the aging process.
- Anti-inflammatory & Anti-bacterial Properties: Siberian cedar resin possesses potent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, supporting the body’s natural healing processes.
- Nutrient-Rich: This formula is packed with essential fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants, providing comprehensive nutritional support.
Ingredients & Their Actions:
- Purified Siberian Cedar Resin (Turpentine): Powerful restorative, anti-inflammatory, adsorbent, and deodorizing properties; possesses bactericidal and balsamic effects.
- Cedar Nut Oil: Supports cardiovascular health, improves blood pressure, reduces cholesterol, and boosts metabolism. Rich in essential fatty acids and vitamins.
- Walnut Oil: Contains entimirisazu (a plant enzyme) that improves blood circulation and stimulates hormone production. High in phospholipids and sitosterol, which help regulate cholesterol. Supports weight management and promotes youthful appearance.
- Milk Thistle Oil: A potent hepatoprotective agent, supports liver function and detoxification.
- Pamir Snowdrop Extract: Enhances the beneficial effects of the other ingredients, stimulates self-regulation, and promotes cellular regeneration and rejuvenation.
Suggested Use:
Adults and children over 12: Take 2 capsules in the morning before a meal and 2 capsules in the evening after a meal.
Children aged 4-12: Take 1 capsule in the morning before a meal and 1 capsule in the evening after a meal.
Course duration: 1 month. Repeat as needed.
This description is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or are taking medications.