Title: 10ml Three-Part Syringe with 21G Needle (0.8 x 40mm)
This high-quality 10ml three-part syringe features a 21G (0.8 x 40mm) needle and comes in packs of 100. The needle, crafted from medical-grade SUS304 stainless steel, boasts a laser-sharpened, three-faceted, spear-point design for smooth injection. It’s treated with medical-grade silicone for lubricity and capped for safety. The Luer Lock connection ensures a secure fit, with the needle conveniently located alongside the syringe.
The barrel employs a coaxial/concentric cone design and is manufactured from medical-grade, high-transparency polypropylene (random copolymer) allowing for optimal visibility of air bubbles and accurate dosage control. The scale extends to 12ml, enabling precise measurement even beyond the nominal volume. The barrel is further treated with a hypoallergenic silicone lubricant for effortless plunger movement. Clear, high-contrast black markings guarantee accurate dosage.
The blue plunger ensures clear visibility during administration, and features markings at the base for controlled destruction, preventing reuse. The plunger is designed for smooth, controlled injection. The seal is made from latex-free medical-grade synthetic rubber. The blister packaging—polyethylene top layer and medical paper backing (for gas permeability)—is easy to open cleanly without leaving paper fragments. The product is non-toxic and non-pyrogenic. Packaging markings and symbols comply with EN ISO 980 and EN ISO 1041 standards, clearly indicating the absence of latex. Each individual syringe is barcoded. Packaging conforms to MDD 93/42/EEC (Medical Devices Directive), EN ISO 980:2008 (symbols used on medical device labels), and EN ISO 1041:2008 (technical symbols and information related to medical devices).
10ml syringe, three-part syringe, 21G needle, 0.8 x 40mm needle, medical syringe, disposable syringe, Luer Lock syringe, stainless steel needle, latex-free syringe, sterile syringe, medical device, non-toxic syringe, non-pyrogenic syringe, EN ISO 980, EN ISO 1041, MDD 93/42/EEC, bulk syringe, syringe pack, medical supplies, healthcare supplies, pharmaceutical supplies, high-quality syringe, precise syringe, SUS304 stainless steel, silicone lubricated, blister packaging.